Healthcare and Public Space Murals, Photography and Art - We design custom murals, creating engaging and enhanced environments for healthcare facilities and public spaces. Combining original on-site photography and art, children’s art, images from major institutions (MoMA, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, American Museum of Natural History, the Wildlife Conservation Society and others have been contributors), with narratives, quotes, colors and image fragments, the murals invite repeated exploration.

Artist Profile

Pastel Journal (PDF)

Pastel Journal PDF


"The wall gets a 'wow' from me. Great comments continue to pour in. Thanks!"

-- Andrew Urbach, M.D. Prof of Pediatrics, Medical Director, Clinical Excellence & Services, CHP


Bridging Time: 120' history mural, encapsulating achievements in medicine and culture in Pittsburgh from the late 1800s. Appealing to both children and adults with appropriate informational material and eye-level design, we used archival and original photography, historical and fun facts, visual textures, architectural / bridge imagery as thematic elements to evoke the energy and feel of  "The City of Bridges."


* Creativity 39th Annual International Design Award

* G20 Summit - Included in tour of Pittsburgh institutions